The “Last States” on my Bucket List
Several months ago we were talking about the states I have not visited, North Dakota and Idaho.
A few days later Dan told me he and Teresa would like to go with me and the plan was hatched.
- Mike drove us to the airport in Syracuse and will fetch us on Mother’s Day.
- We stayed at a Super Eight motel and found it to be reasonable, clean and friendly
Upon recommendation from locals we went to a restaurant named for the sand spot in the Missouri River where paddle-wheelers would get stuck.
Never having had walleye, Teresa and I tried it. It was mild and the veggies were good.
Dan had Chicken which he said was good. Very friendly people everywhere we went in Bismarck.
Teresa tried Cheese curds and liked them
This was on the banks remembering paddle-wheelers of days gone by.

In the same area near the river. This old bird needs a face lift!
This fort is a few miles south of Bismark. Just a few buildings still there but tours occur
Within the area of the fort is an old "Slant" Indian village which is earthen mounds with a chimney to release the smoke.
There are 11 mounds which were last occupied from 1630 to 1730
May 3rd after a good breakfast at a Kroll's Diner (7 store chain) in Bismarck we drove west to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park
The beauty cannot be captured but the variety of the landscape is amazing. Over 110 square miles!
Old volcano shaped large hills dot the landscape. Eroded mesa's are everywhere
There is a herd of 200 Bison in the park and we saw many.
We also saw wild horses, prairie dogs and pronghorn antelopes but w/o telescopic lens they don't show up in my photos
The road into the south part of the park is 22 miles long and terminates at some road construction We had to return the same way we came. The northern section is very much like the southern but with deeper valleys. We did not go there b/c it was a long way around to a 10 mile drive of similar terrain.
Theodore Roosevelt had 2 ranches in the area and pushed for this to be a national park
This statue is totally made from small lath-like wooden board
A section of the park is called "Painted Canyon" which is also beautiful. Very windy when we were in this part of the park.
Medora N.D. is a small town at the entrance to the Southern part of the park. We ate at "Boots" after touring the park. Again, good food, very friendly folks. The waitress said they get 2 million visitors a year there at the park. We were early in the season and saw only a couple dozen cars.
Typical land formations we saw all along US route 94
This is the airport in Dickinson N.D. we arrived at 8 am for our flight at 9 and the airport was locked!
Teresa found an attendant who was surprised anyone was there yet!
This is inside the busy airport. One very friendly woman "Did it all: Check bags, open the gate, announced boarding etc. She was very busy but pleasant too. After hearing I was on a "last 2 states journey" she suggested I add Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Probably won't happen.
We flew to Salt Lake City and rented a car as it was much cheaper to fly and rent a different car than to drop off the car from Bismarck
After arriving in Salt Lake City we headed right out deciding to tour SLC when we return,
We had a great breakfast in Idaho Falls at Cedric's, a local diner.
The owner has quite a sense of humor.
This is at the checkout counter!
This is the Snake River running through Idaho Falls. A dam disaster flooded the town in 1976 and reconstruction of the river bed here yielded a power generation vehicle as well a scenic beauty.
We stopped near the Chief Joseph Ranch where the homestead on Yellowstone is filmed.
You can see the roof of the home in the above picture and the barn below. It was blocked off as they were shooting this weekend.
5/6 morning - Dan is always on the prowl for a good diner for breakfast. This was chosen in Missoula and turns out that a few scenes in the Yellowstone TV drama were filmed here.
Our lodging was in Stone Creek Lodge in Missoula. It was very nice. The lobby was beautiful
We had been advised to try the Huckleberry Shakes in Montana. We stopped in St. Regis at a tourist "trap" which was very nice. Huckleberry Shake at 11 am? Yes please!!
Coeur d'Alene is a large lake in the NW end of Idaho An upscale city of the same name is booming there. The lake is 25 miles land and we took a 90 minute tour. It is a beautiful area.
Many mansions and lesser homes dot the shoreline, some only accessible by boat due to the stepness of the terrain, Many have personally owned trams running from shore to access points above.
Shoreline shot along the outlet of the lake Spokane River
The blue in the background is the Marina with each boat having it's own roof. Yes Josh, there is a gas station there.😊
For some reason there is a bronze moose in the area of the dock
As we were leaving CDA Teresa spotted a ranger station so we went in and asked questions about the area and the fires, trees etc.
Dan can always find a good diner
Bathroom humor
This pancake is called Paleo pancake and comes pre-sweet. Very good
Panoramic Picture - just can't capture it all
Dog Park Motel - 2 rooms available for lodging within these beagle looking buildings
An 80 year old craftsman runs this establishment and sells all sorts of carvings in addition to booking the rooms within the dogs!
Every dogs dream
Wading in the Salmon River near Riggins Idaho
Salmon River views from my room in Riggins
Riggins is a small town on the Salmon River and the scenery is beautiful.
It is very small, 417 population. They play 8 man football and were fortunate to have a student named Leighten Vander Esch. He set all kinds of records in high school, went on the set more recorders in Boise State University and was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys where he became an outstanding defensive linebacker. after 6 years in the NFL he suffered a career ending neck injury, and retired after the 2023 season. He has done a lot for the school and village of Riggins since he graduated ,
The football field in Riggins. Rimmed in by the river and mountains
Lunch in Horseshoe Bend along Rt. 95
Bathroom humor - Urinal is a reworked Coors beer keg.
River Rock Cafe in Riggins
One attraction in Boise is the abandoned Prison in Boise, the state capital
Standing in front of the prison Barber shop
We met with Sue Briggs a friend from Newark Valley who lives in Boise. We had dinner and caught up. D n T and Sue took a short hike to see wagon ruts left from the Oregon trail.
Another successful Breakfast diner chosen by Dan after much research - The Sunrise Cafe in Boise
Shoshone Falls near Twin Falls Idaho
Panoramic shot of the falls and the canyon
Hydraulic generation building
Finally warmer weather for dinner outside near Burley Idaho
Overnight in Snowville Utah. Our heating and air conditioning equipment. This was a neat and clean 8 room Motel in a town of 163, A gas station,3 restaurants, 1 Motel and a couple local government buildings.
The children go to school in Snowville till 5th grade. Middle and High school are bussed 38 miles to Tremonton Utah!! The name was in honor of Lorenzo Snow who was a president of the LDS from 1898 to 1891.
Mollie's Cafe Snowville, Utah. Another breakfast spot!
We visited Antelope Island (roughly 15 miles by 5 miles)which is in the Great Salt Lake. We saw a herd of Bison crossing the road and this lonely Antelope. The bison population on the island is 500 to 700.
Salt Lake City is the capital of Utah and this is the capital building.
The 2002 winter Olympics were held in Park City Utah
We arrived at the site after being turned around on a mountain pass due to snow,
We were 5 miles from Park City and had to go back 40 miles to get around the blocked pass.
Teresa modeled the correct position for each type of vehicle.
Carrying the Olympic Torch into the venue😀
A few shots along the way over the mountains
Lunch in Heber Utah at Melvin's Public House
Back at the hotel for our final night in the west..
In 2 different rental cars we drove 2184 miles. 94 gallons of gas,
Flight to Charlotte then Syracuse 5/12 7:30 am